Using the Trezor web wallet with Tor Browser on Tails 4.11 Live

This article presents the handful of steps necessary to get the Trezor web wallet ( to work with Tor Browser on a Tails 4.11 Live session.


The sha256sum of trezor-bridge_2.0.29_amd64.deb is 51068a4f7dca66c43e5058aa7e89f27110b533b85c0ece074176586065de4dba.

The fingerprint of the key that is used to verify the package signature is 86E6792FC27BFD478860C11091F3B339B9A02A3D.

In the Tails distribution, the wget command used above is actually a shell script that configures wget to fetch the file over Tor instead of clearnet.

You can run the lsusb command from the command line to verify that your Trezor device is recognized by the system.